Tuesday, July 1, 2008

life does work in mysterious ways

i remember when i was still a young uni student years back, i came across a ginger kitten in NUS and it was in the middle of nowhere. it was meowing and craving for my love and followed me wherever i went. did not have to heart to just leave it there, i brought it back home, as my first attempt to introduce a new cat to my antisocial old cat, Maomao. Maomao was horrified and thoroughly traumatised. Being inexperienced to this, the way we had handled it was also gravely wrong. Had no choice, but to bring the ginger kitten down to the void deck to release her. as i was crying my eyes out, not knowing what to do, there was a group of young men, probably about the same age or younger as i, hanging out at the playground. i approached them in tears and asked if anyone would be kind enough to adopt him. Miraculously, one of them agreed and he already had 1 cat. He lived just a distance away from my place and agreed to bring him home. i was so grateful. we kept in touch briefly but i lost his contact somehow over the years (with computers crashing and all).

imagine after after 6 or 7 years, i came to be reunited with this ginger kitten who has blossomed into a fine young man through a trainee teacher at my school. Z, her name, stayed near my place. we happened to be traveling on the same way home when we talked about cats. i have no idea how the conversation came to me telling her how i got a ginger kitten adopted by this young man. it hit her that her brother also brought a ginger kitten home through the very same circumstance! it dawned upon us immediately that we were talking about the same kitten!! that kind gentleman was actually her brother! :)

i visited Ginger and he looked absolutely handsome. It was an emotional moment.

* * *

So Tux and Patches, I pray that you are now safe wherever you are, and that we will too each other again, somewhere, sometime in the near future.

when they were one big happy family

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gone missing

Tux and Patches have been missing for 2 days. :( I hope they have been picked up and adopted by someone kind. No kitty bodies were found, so I am hoping that it was not a mishap. In a way, it is better for them as it would not be good if they were still nursing on their mother who is on medication.

Grey mommy's lumpy tummy seems to be getting worse. Could be breast cancer. Palliative care is probably the best for her right now. Don't think she would appreciate staying in the cold hard clinic for weeks, having needles poking into her and in the end, she does not recover....

Will take pictures of her soon.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

i really am quite pretty u know?

tux is a beautiful black & white kitty with a fluffy "white ring" around her neck. she looks very victorian! she has a shiny black coat of fur too!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fate works in mysterious ways...

i had the adventure ride of my life last night. so many things happened and it is unbelievable that it did. 5 strangers rose to the ocassion to help the grey family and 2 of the babies found a proper home finally.

Greyie and Brownie were adopted by a pair of lovely ladies of Indian and Pakistani nationals (S and A respectively). They were initially keen on Silver Family but because they were too many people enquiring on them, I could pick and choose the adopter as near to my ideals as possible. I then directed her to the Grey Family website and the lady literally squealed with delight when she saw how cute they were. She was very keen to have a look at them and so we met up where the Grey family lived. She came with her roommate and another Singapore friend, Y.

While we were there looking at the babies, another lady came along and it turns out that she has been caring and feeding this family and other cats in the area! I never knew I had a caregiver there all along as I had never ventured into the back lane behind the sleazy hotel. I just see cats here and there and never know really where they hung out. It was by chance that I went into the back lane and discovered the Grey Family. Actually I saw food left by the side 2 nights back and I was really excited at the prospects of starting a cat network in my area and even wanted to leave a note nearby in the hope that the kind soul will contact me. I just had not got round to doing it yet. This caregiver, A, had also turned up at a time she usually would not, just to feed medicine to Grey mommy who is actually having a mammory gland infection (which explains why her tummy area is quite huge, I actually thought she was pregnant again).

So the 5 of us just clicked and there was no time to lose. We picked up Grey mommy and packed all 4 of her babies and took off to the vet. As if the adventure was not enough, it started pouring like crazy and everything felt so surreal. Grey mommy was given antibiotics to be administered for the next 2 weeks to see if the swelling will go down, otherwise there might be an abscyess and an operation may be needed. Hopefully that wont be the case.

We then drove to where S and A were staying. On the way, Grey mommy decided that she needed to relief herself. Everyone sprang into action - 1 got a box from the van, the other got the litter, another were trying to distract the mommy so that she wouldnt 'do it' in the carrier where all her 4 babies were. We were utilising arms and legs and at one point we wished we had more limbs! thankfully mommy controlled herself and peed in the makeshift 'mobile toilet' in the box we had created for her - all this in the back of the van! on hindsight, we should have waited a while longer before putting her back. Just as we were reaching their place, mommy decided to drop the stink bomb on everybody and had released a massive, sticky and creamy poop in the carrier. it was actually quite hilarious. you could imagine how frantic everyone became, pulling the kittens out one by one, all chipping in to help. It was such a mess!


We said our goodbyes to Brownie and Greyie and wish them all the best in their new home.


This morning when i went to feed Grey mommy the medication, Tux and Patches were clinging onto each other so tightly and it was so endearing to watch them. Mommy seems fine and I hope she is not feeling love sick for her 2 babies who have gone to a better place. I am really falling in love with Tux and Patches and it will be hard to let them go soon. They have absolute trust in you and would sit in your palm without struggling to get out. Such sweet babies.

Shall update with more pictures and videos soon!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Presenting the Grey Family

was this a 'lost' kitten of the Silver Family?


karma of not actively sterlizing the cats in my area is catching up. litters of kittens are springing up everywhere. its a nightmare now. active sterilzation requires a lot of hard work and commitment and resources like time and money and its not easy to do it ALONE. procrastination is not good. if only i had started it earlier.

saw another mommy cat and her litter of 4 on the way to visit Silver family earlier. one of the babies looked alot like Orange of the Silver Family. Come to think of it, Grey tabby of the Silver family looked more like he belonged to the Grey mother. Perhaps they had gotten confused and swopped mothers. :(

There is no way I can take in this family of 5 and wait for them to be adopted anymore. There is no choice but to leave them where they are right now. I just found out that there is someone in the vicinity who left food for them last night. I intend to leave a small note asking the kind soul to contact me. It will be good to pull resources to combat the exploding population of cats in the area. I really need help.

In the meantime, I really hope to find homes for these little ones.

1 becomes 4, 4 becomes 16, 16 becomes 64...... just do your maths.